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Ella Stracciatella - DJ & Moderatorin
Willkommen auf meiner Website!
Ich bin Ella Stracciatella.
DJ, Moderatorin, Aktivistin, Kulturschaffende,
Veranstalterin, Organisationstalent, und vieles mehr !
Booking Möglichkeiten sowie aktuelle Projekte von mir
als Künstlerin und Kulturschaffende sind hier zu finden.
Seht euch um, klickt euch durch und falls ihr Interesse habt
euch für Kunst und Kultur mit mir zu vernetzen, schreibt mir gerne!
♥ 2024 / 2025 ♥
Stracciatella Dates 2024/25
▸ 08.03. x Queens of House, Beate Uwe, Berlin
▸ 25.01. x WRIV, Räng, Freiburg
▸ 01.01. x Secret Silvester Party, Freiburg
▸ 23.11. x Insel der Freuden Festival, Freiburg
▸ 16.11. x KitKat Club, Berlin
▸ 15.11. x TresorGoldkuss, Berlin
▸ 07.11. x Sisters of Comedy, Vorderhaus, Freiburg
▸ 26.10. x Protest, Landesmuseum, Stuttgart
▸ 02.10. x WRIV, Räng, Freiburg
▸ 21.09. x Cirque de Burlesque, Frederics, Freiburg
▸ 14.09. x Tunnel Rave
▸ 11.08. x Wilde Möhre Festival
▸ 03.08. x Vogelball, Hamburg
▸ 13.07. x Ausversehen-Festival , Bremen
▸ 05.07. x FakFest
▸ 31.05. x Berggeflüster
▸ 24.05. x IndieDance, The Mix Series
▸ 04.05. x Move-Kollektiv Convention
▸ 01.05. x OpenAir, Jos Fritz Gelände
▸ 26.04. x Wir Raven Festival, Freiburg
▸ 06.04. x Tuntenball, Freiburg
▸ 21.03. x Rund und Eckig - Stream
▸ 17.02. x XXX, Frankfurt am Main
▸ 09.02. x w****, Freiburg
▸ 01.01. x Silvester Fatale, TheaterBar
▸ 03.08. x Vogelball, Hamburg
▸ 13.07. x Ausversehen-Festival , Bremen
▸ 05.07. x FakFest
▸ 31.05. x Berggeflüster
▸ 24.05. x IndieDance, The Mix Series
▸ 04.05. x Move-Kollektiv Convention
▸ 01.05. x OpenAir, Jos Fritz Gelände
▸ 26.04. x Wir Raven Festival, Freiburg
▸ 06.04. x Tuntenball, Freiburg
▸ 21.03. x Rund und Eckig - Stream
▸ 17.02. x XXX, Frankfurt am Main
▸ 09.02. x w****, Freiburg
▸ 01.01. x Silvester Fatale, TheaterBar
Wilde Möhre 2024
Vogelball Hamburg 2024
CSD 2024
"SXLCKTRO" @KitKatClub Berlin
16.11.2024, DiscoBizarre,
KitKatClub, Berlin
"Soundkraut & Rüben" @Wilde Möhre
11.08.2024, Kraut&Rüben Stage,
Wilde Möhre Festival
"Fairytales of Honeys & Hummingbirds" @Vogelball Hamburg
03.08.2024, Radar Floor, Vogelball, Hamburg
"Cornern im Woerlitzer Park" @w****
by DJ Ella Stracciatella
♥ 2023 ♥
"The Sound of Rocketscience" @Fusion Festival
28.06.2023, Fusion Festival, Lärz
by DJ Ella Stracciatella 2023
"Guilty Treasures & Pleasures" @DiscoBizarre
14.10.2023, KitKatClub, Berlin
by DJ Ella Stracciatella 2023
Recent published Music Productions
First project together with @sheklermusic... Did a Song Mashup of two "Ella" Songs.. It was a lot of fun and basically we were just experimenting around with the software and our options.. so if you like it, you like it ;)
by DJ Ella Stracciatella x Shekler
DJ Workshops
Ella Stracciatella (Skinny Bitch DJane Team) will be hosting
DJ-Workshops on RADIOCAMP in May 2022!
So excited to announce that @skinnybitchdjaneteam will be teaching you how to DJ in 3 Languages @ this year's RADIOCAMP at lake constance. 📻🏕
We called our Workshop-Day "Last Night a DJ saved my Life!" 🎧🎶
So DJs appear to be playing on mystical devices, hidden behind heaps of tangled cables. You might think you could never learn their craft, because sometimes it looks so complicated...
but we will show you an easy way in. You will play your first transition in no time. 🎚🎛
We’ll give you an introduction to the technical side and introduce you to a – for private use free – dj-software. We also want to talk about a crucial topic: How to select your tracks and the history of DJing. In the second part of the workshop we will all practise transitions together and work on a group-mix. 🎵🎶🔊
Folks, we are looking forward to meet you there on 26th of May 2022! 💜
See more at: